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Healing infection over male reproductive organ

edited October 2018 in Health Discussion
Infection on private organ .. tried physicic surgery on whole reproductive system , men serum and zapper healing but no results from 2 months. Requesting guidance


  • @Chandreshn
    Please describe What was your actual request to VK and how are doing healing?
    How many times?
    Why psychic surgery?
  • @Chandreshn
    Please take a quick tour of our website and suggest me what is guided for infection in male reproductive organs.
  • I was requesting vk to clear away the infection and was using men serum,key pen serum and zapper healing in water. In between started physicic surgery and eft also but healing up to 50 Percent and not completely getting healed ...
  • Today I have started GS,ms, acs, zapper ,balance serum in water
  • @Chandreshn

    In first post you wrote no next comment you wrote 50 pc healing.

    :star: Now Key Pen Serum is mentioned in your comment.
    Also request frequency of Zapper healing 9volt 10khz.

    Increase the frequency and keep intention HEAL NOW FOREVER.

    If there is a should think its healing...and request to heal completely with gratitude.

    When you say no results....sometimes you keep attracting that again and VK has to work more ....check your intentions please
  • Madam 50 percent healing happened and didn't last much the infection got further bad .... I always have an gratitude of healing with vk .... I did my say no results am asking for guidance .... because I had a biggest issue of kidney stones which just got vanished within weeks in 2017 like that I have cleared many pains within just few rotation... but this time I don't no y it is prolonging even though I was guided several times...
  • @Chandreshn

    Thats great . Thank you for posting

    Please share your success stories as new posts in category of VK SUCCESS STORIES mentioning what was the situation , what energies and how frequently you used them with VK and what was the outcome. It will inspire many ....
  • @Chandreshn

    In MEN Serum , please check point no 7 , it mentions to include IMMUNE SERUM for better immunity in case of frequent infections.

    Also check this success story by @Barinder - Supportive VK Teacher

    In addition to VK charged drinking can use a VK Charged cream as mentioned in this will help to speed up healing.
  • Thank you very much for the guidance
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