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Clearing of cluters in the mind

GOLDEN SUNRISE...Very often many past thoughts,words and deeds keep surfacing in our mind may be while meditating, chanting , before or in the middle of sleep .. how to clear away such cluters in the conscious and subconscious mind.. kindly guide


  • @Chandreshn

    At that moment use ALL CLEAR SERUM to such thoughts or request VK on your own words to CANCEL those thoughts....

    If they are repeatedly coming.....a person needs mental healing....based on the situational background....
  • All clear serum to all the clutters in the mind ..... will this request be enough
  • @Chandreshn

    To all unwanted negative thoughts or Clutter you feel
  • Thank you very much madam
  • Whenever I get such thoughts I request VK ma to purge all such thoughts and take Balance Serum. sometimes it works instantly and sometimes it takes longer period. But it works.

  • @Pusp


    Thats great. Thanks for sharing your experience. BALANCE SERUM helps to balance emotions. And you have used it well.....and of course requesting PURGE in your own words to VK.

    Thank you for working with patience and allowing it to work. Sometimes you can increase the frequency of sending energy to speed up the balance.


    You can explore what works for can also say ALL CLEAR SERUM to my unwanted negative thought and BALANCE SERUM to my emotions.
  • Gratitudes for the guidance
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