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Odor in aparrment

Golden Sunrise Divine there is an odor in my apartment and I have tried to get rid of it but so far haven't. I know you can use Clear All Serum, but how do I do it? Who ever lived here before me evidently had a cat or dog, I don't know which one. But that is what the odor smells like. Thank you for your help. The Apartments put in new carpet but I don't think they changed the padding. Again thank you.


  • @queenie9 ji,
    Yes you are right ALL CLEAR SERUM helps to remove negativity.
    You can charge the mob water and other washing material, Sprays, freshners with GOLDEN SUNRISE, ALL CLEAR SERUM, SHIELD OF SEVEN RAYS.

    :star: kindly please note if there is any material to be changed physically then please do the same.
  • Thank you kindly Golden Sunrise Divine

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