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VK TIP 32 : How to REACH the lost things or persons

When something is LOST or someone cannot be found, can VK help ???

YES, it's possible with VK.

Just request to VK
VK GOLDEN SUNRISE REACH (object/ person's name) NOW WITH EASE.
Say this 3 times in one go.

Do this frequently till you get the results.

GOLDEN SUNRISE makes a way and REACH is a strong switch word to find something lost including a lost person or any living being. NOW speeds up the healing. EASE makes it easier for the lost thing/ person to reach back to you.

Don’t worry about how you will you get it back, Divine energies in VK will make a way in a surprising way, if you deserve it back.

Keep requesting frequently as per the situation.

Addition Tip : Send SHIELD OF 7 RAYS to the thing/person for protection.

Do share your experiences with VK Tips to inspire all of us.

GOLDEN SUNRISE to all your efforts.

Thank you Sharat Sir for the beautiful gift of VK to all of us !!


  • :thankyou @Rakhi-Certified VK Teacher for another beautiful VK Tip.

  • My mother lost her gold chain 3years back in her sister house. Is it possible to do above serums right now. Pls help me.
  • Try it, you may get the lost one Or equivalent/ more amount of energy.

  • Golden sunrise Thanks to V K for bringing back my wife's mobile. She recived yesterday. Two healing were given as guided. Gratitude. Thanks for guidance also.
  • Guru101
    WOW ! That's great !
    Very happy to read that you got your lost phone back..
    With faith and patience VK helps us in a wonderful way.
    Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring.

    Thank you Sharat sir for Divine VK
    Thank you VK teachers
    Thank you VK forum
  • Thank you Sir for the wonderful tip
  • GOLDEN SUNRISE Rakhi maam.. yes this tip works wonder. I had tried for my friend who lost his bunch of keys of a saleable flat in an unknown society in pune. It was late night he reached mumbai too. I started chanting GOLDEN SUNRISE REACH continuously with Shield Of 7 Ray's and told my friend to call and intimate the society watchmen and left to VK to do the rest without any expectations. After one hour of chanting the watchman called and told the keys were fallen in the garden and he kept it safe to collect. Now hereafter as Rakhi maam says il add "NOW WITH EASE" statement with the switchword GOLDEN SUNRISE REACH. Thank you for this wonderful invention Sharat Sir. VK is our best friend in need indeed. Gratitude and God bless you Rakhi maam, Sir and whole Litarian team.
  • edited August 2023
    Find and Reach have used it so many times. I have seen its power and remain surprised by it every time. The moment I start chanting I reach to/find the thing within no time.

    One very big miracle I would like to share is finding my gold ring. We were leaving for my brother's marriage to Benares. Before leaving I had handed over my gold rings to my brother. After reaching Benares I asked him for the same. He found all except my one gold ring. I was left aback. Even after thorough searching couldn't find it. My heartbeat sank. I immediately started praying VK with Reach, Find, and Golden Sunrise words and praying in my own words to help me get back my ring. Big miracle the next day donno how my brother found the ring exactly at the same place where he had kept it. He had emptied the bag completely before checking the ring. Surprised how did that happen. VK is always there to help and save us at every step of our lives. VK always brings smiles back into our lives!!!!

    Thank you Sharat Sir
    Thank you Universe
    Thank you divine
    Thank you team Litairian
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