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A friend of mine is leaving his family and moving to another city and needs confidence as he has taken a complete new track of work in which he has no experience, and as he is leaving his home post 34 years of his life. He is scared of joblessness and he doesn't want to return to the old work line.
What type of EC i can create and give him so he can carry with him and paste on his wall in other city and when i activate my EC with VK every morning that EC also gets activated and takes care of his day to day work and personal life ?
Change is the part of life. When someone is not ready to change or has fear of new areas, business, and other new things, and when someone has not ready to accept new things easily then Bravo Serum and Bach Flower Remedy Walnut help a lot. For your friend make an EC and write his name with "GOLDEN SUNRISE WALNUT" and give him to paste on his wall. You can also give him energy of above SW phrase and Bravo Serum together from your side.