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Pain care serum for all

Hi I want to charge a water bottle with pcs for my family so that whoever needs this can use it
Gs+ pcs
What Should I use bs or all clear serum with this to enhance it's power


  • Why you want pain care serum for all family. If there is any pain then we need to consume this.
    You can add both all clear serum and Balance serum as well with GS, and PCS.
    Better suggestion is please use GOLDEN SUNRISE+ PERFECT HEALTH SERUM+ BALANCE SERUM regulary for all family members
  • Yes sir I agree but I want to give pcs charged water for my mummy's home so that they can use it when anyone have any pain instead of taking pain killer....
  • @Dolly

    You can use Pain Care Serum if you feel its needed. As Puneet suggested you can use BALANCE SERUM , PERFECT HEALTH SERUM or ALL CLEAR SERUM as you feel.

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