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Effect of japa Mahaganapathi Vishnugayatri

i have been told to get japas done of mahaganapathi and vishnugayatri .how can i do through vk fast and get the benefits of these japas


  • Golden SunRise @ Lunawat123 (Sorry you did not introduce yourself),

    In a lighter mood, may I say, You are asking for a Short-cut in Short-cut. Apologize for any offence, but the problem is that we are too short of time and require a remedy at hand. As such VK is there to provide the same. But it should always be remembered that what is true in materialistic of other healing, may not be true in Spiritual avenue.

    We go to Priests, Pandits, Maulanas and Babas, get their blessings and remedy for our distress, but do we respect it? if Yes, then why are we searching for a faster mode? if No, then why are we believing it to be our remedy at all? You know, somebody said in Hindi "Woh nahi hai, toh uska Zikr kyon? Aur Woh hai, toh phir Fikr kyon??" means if you believe HE is not there, then why should we even mention HIM? and if you believe HE is there for you, then why do you worry?

    The problem is that we do not care about Spirituality and take it as granted like any other available thing. Please understand, Spirituality is connected to our Soul and unless we are in awareness, spiritual processes may or may not give results. Therefore, it is my humble request, please know your subject by devoting your time and attention.

    First thing, you did not reveal who told you what and for what. I mean what is your shortcoming in life or distress for which this Japa has been recommended to you. Also, in case you are a new user of VK, I would recommend that you should be creative and inquisitive to learn more. Like if you try and read communications held with others, you will gain a lot to practice without a help. for example, if you read interaction with Mr. Jayaprakash (mail head : Success811), you will find he is a staunch Mantra devoted person and sought process of getting energies of several Mantras. Now, if I would be you, I will follow the same steps and get my remedy.

    This is just to inform you and all who might read this comment, Please...please follow the forum to grab the subject. This is a platform which is a School too.

    Now, I will repeat once again, To get the energies of ANY mantra or Japa, you just need to hold your VK and request VK to provide the energy of the Mantra for 3 times and feel the energies surround your SELF. VK is powerful to provide the energy of your above Japa too.

  • an astrologer told this to do for better prosperity

  • Got it Sir. Thanks, I have already explained the process above in the last paragraph.

    Hope it is clear to you now. In case, you find any problem to follow or require any other help, please feel free to write. We will be more than happy to respond.

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