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I have been using VK for a month using BS, AWS, ACS and balance serum 3 times a day for scars on arms and acne scars and also watching golden sunrise vid and chanting and affirming i have perfect skin and doing gratitude and saying i now have everything i want, so that i am working with the Law of Attraction I know you can't put a time limit on these things but after a month with no subtle changes and i have made a point to not keep checking my doubts start creeping in which pushes things away from you. Then i read stories that someone has healed their skin in 2 weeks or a fracture has healed in 2 days which makes me think i am doing something wrong. So how do i keep faith and trust along the process? is what i would like help with.
many thanks
Most of the situation require dosing at least 4 times a day. If the condition needs more energy, please increase the dose. I think 3 times is less for your case.
Please read this link on frequency as guided by Sir
Also you can please avoid using LAW OF ATTRACTION. LOA works only when a person is in high vibration and remains in that vibration continuously. The moment a person goes in anxiety, the whole energy which is built earlier drops, and LOA will not respond. Again you have to built this energy.
My observation is that in past few weeks this is your 3rd post on acne or scars and you are doing with anxiety. So LOA with anxiety will not work.
When you use VK , it works beyond your faith. But there are 2 more things which every healer needs to understand if they want to manifest things faster
When there is negative emotions added, our VK has to work more again. But are we giving enough energy again !!
Some acne or scars or skin problems take time to heal because of some negative emotions setting in again and again in the body.
In your case take please include MOOD UP SERUM as much as possible.