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Bp sugar serums

Hi I want to charge water for my mummy with gs+ phs+ bs (for planetary dosha as my mummy is always facing unwanted and continuous problems in her life) + key pen serum for her diabetes but what should I use for bp in this combination.....


  • @Dolly ji,
    1. You choose perfect combination GOLDEN SUNRISE + BALANCE SERUM + PERFECT HEALTH SERUM
    Also add ALL CLEAR SERUM with this combination.
    You can give HEART SERUM to her in this combination for BP problem.
    2. For sugar please give KEY PEN SERUM +
    GOLDEN SUNRISE seperately
  • Thanks sir I will follow as you suggested... But to increase my knowledge of using vk I want to know why key pen serum is given separately....
  • Thankyou for asking this question.
    @Dolly mam, we should not mix serums or energies which are for different aspects and for healing different organs.
    As we dont mix wealth serum with Health serums.
    Here KPS works for kidneys and HS is for heart.
    Similarly we do not mix DIGEE SERUM, EYE SERUM, ENT SERUM,
  • Ok sir got it... Thanks
  • Sorry but still confused... Coz they all are health related only .... Eye serum ent serum kps hs digee serum.... They all are for our body related issues only.... Sorry but want to clarify it
  • Yes you are right they are health related energies but they heal for different organs and different body functioning.
    We cant use same medicine in one combination for two different organs.
  • Ok now it's clear.... Thank u
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