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Using VK for exercise after hernia surgery

I want to use VK for exercise. For the next 3-6 months I will not be able to exercise normally because I had a hernia surgery. I know that the request will be similar to "VK please give effect of 20 MIN full body exercise to me Now with safety and security."

Is this request enough for not causing any injury to my body because of the surgery? Adding the "with safety and security" is enough?

There is also the gym serum I can use but again, I don't know if its safe.


  • @morph
    Just use GYM SERUM. The opening few paragraphs of the article mentions that it can be taken by anyone.
  • Thank you Rahki :)

    I read the description but I wasn't sure and as is something medical and important I thought I would ask.

    Grateful :)

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