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Golden Sunrise Sharat Sir,
In a re-marriage proposal, everything is best. Families do not believe in astrology. But as per astrology the boy is manglik & girl, non manglik, can marry but after a Manglik dosh Puja. Also the compatibility is very low. Please guide how VK can help to increase compatibility & Manglik dosh, please.
Please guide how VK can help to Increase compatibility & remove Manglik dosh, please
Compatibility is a parameter which may go beyond astrology also. Isnt it?
If before marriage you feel compatibility is not there, then one would choose not to marry.
How do you describe compatibility only planetary or even otherwse?
Compatibility is something which both partners have to decide . For planetary Effect questions, please refer article on BALANCE SERUM and ALL CLEAR SERUM
You can mimick puja/ritual effects with VK if you feel so