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Sleep issue

Golden sunrise to all divine soul,

Since 2 days I'm using vibes kada, im trying to send serums to my husband who is staying abroad as his sales are not good, he is working in sales field, he is there since 1 year and I'm also trying to get visa but I'm not getting my visa, i have many health issues, im a cancer survivor, then recently got operated for hip replacement surgery and even my right hip is also having AVN so after some years may b I need to do right hip surgery, with so many health issues, I'm always facing sleep issues, 2 days after requesting vk for sleep i slept but today whole night i haven't slept even for a min.....pls guide me
I'm using Total wealth serum, booster serum for my husband along with shield of seven rays
And perfect health serum and shield of seven rays, all clear serum, digee serum, for myself

#sharat sir pls guide me further
My priority is my health and my visa


  • @Plucky ji
    You can write in a paper
    My all joints

    For sleep use energy of JASMINE sw 1hr before sleep along with energy of LORD GANESHA's blessings

    For visa use this
    VK GOLDEN SUNRISE MAKE WAY FOR ME TO REACH (city/country where your husband resides.
    with EASE NOW

    There is no Cosmic serum with title Booster Serum. Please use correct names of energies so that VK will access them
    Check the list of Cosmic Serums here
    We wiah you and your family healthy prosperous life
  • Thankyou so much Rakhi mam for your guidance ???????????? will do it properly
  • ????????????????????????
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