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Scalp itching

Golden sunrise
I am having very bad itchy scalp and hairfall
It seems loosing hair too much
I have been using beauty serum and alpha women serum thrice a day with golden sunrise and safety and security
But no releif... I dnt know where am I going wrong
I have been taking antiallergy pills... And due to scratching on scalp it hurting now
Request maam / sir to plz suggest what else can I do


  • @Dipti_srivastava
    Check BEAUTY SERUM article how you can use BEAUTY SERUM in multiple ways and energy combinations
    Must read the whole article
    There are many ways/ ideas for healthy hair itchy scalp too
    In VK success stories section you can read experiences on improving hairfall issues by VK users
  • Thankyou maam
    I will surely check once
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