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Strong protection against toxic people

Golden sunrise Sir and Dear Mentors

There is a famous saying" Laaton Ke Bhoot Bato Se Nahi Mante" kind of toxic people especially in our own family. This Kaliyuga , most of the people are so downtrodden, stoop to low level manipulate to such an extent which is beyond imagination, gossiping, plotting against .
Iam trying to think positive, trying to mind my own buisness, and according to LOA I might attract more negative people by thinking like this. But if they are close, meeting them on regular basis, iam using sheild of seven rays , alpha women serum, Bravo serum Hanuman chalisa .
But Sharat Sir, I kindly request you to please create more serums for Protection especially innocent people , for women , and children. Much needed. Some strongest serums which act Jet Speed as protection and bounce back their negativity.
I completely know that I should be positive, think good but not able to. They are not letting me use VK or any divine ways to uplift my life and my daughter's life. Not able to attend workshops or enjoy learning process.


  • @Sarita12
    Shield of 7 rays is the best protective energy. Use it frequently as per need.
    Regarding bouncing back negativity, understand that Sharat Sir does not practise this principe of bouncing back negativity. VK will never work to bounce back negativity.
    If a person is getting negativity from others and the person thinks of bouncing back negativity, what is the difference between the two?
    People will make their own karmic account.
    Regarding use of VK, many VK users are using VK by keeping it in their bag or purse or drawers and sending requests to VK remotely.
    VK can follow requests distantly if you are the last person to touch it.
    You can make requests to VK itself to make the situation easy for you to use VK and to attend learnings or workshops.
    You can take BRAVO SERUM to face the situation.
  • Yes there is no difference between the two and I don't want to stoop so low. Maybe VK being divine tool will make those people understand in their own language.
    Learning is my passion and if someone stops me from learning, it's like taking away oxygen from my Life.
    My inlaws are uneducated and dont match with my lifestyle. But being family member, unavoidable. Iam a doctor and . They are agricultural background. They forced me to agree so many conditions which doesn't suit for educated woman. I accepted all terms just for my daughter's sake. Iam taking mental healing for self. Sometimes when I see my daughter sailing in same boat, I get angry and wish for bouncing back. I want my daughter be bold educated and have happy SUCCESSFUL life. My two VKs are helping her a lot , but she is not bold
    i wish to have many more VKs to boost my life and my daughter's life for better.
    Thank you Rakhi ma'am .
  • Golden Sunrise,
    We can return or divert the negative energy to black holes as nothing is returning from there instead of bounce back.
    Whatever sent to us.
    Golden Sunrise to Sharat sir,n VK team
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