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Lack of interest in Studies

Respected Teachers,

My daughter studies in 4th division through Online for the last 15 months.

Although she was bright in her studies earlier, recently not concentrating in studies and always on mobile / laptop etc.

Her teachers have bad impression on her unit tests.

My problem is me and wife will be out at workplace from 8.30 am to 8 pm. Hence, not in a position to monitor her.

Can you please guide on how to tackle this situation by dear VK through various Switchword / Cosmic Serums / Batch Flower remedy etc. If possible kindly share relevant Forum links on the similar cases ???????????? Golden Sunrise ❤ Thanks in advance ????????


  • @success811
    Request VK to get someone to stay with her and care for her
    She doeant require bach remedies or sw. She requires a person to take care or be with her
    Which serum is to keep a person happy and which serum is for focus/concentration ?
  • Thank you and Golden Sunrise to you Rakhi ma'am ????????
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