Hello sir how can i heal unknown fear , even if i don't know exactly the cause . My mind always in very much of fear for loosing my job , for my kids and family members. Even i feel like i am dying and feel uneasy in breathing .
I fear while sleeping and it disturbs my sleep too.
Please help me out sir .
1.please take Bravo serum + Mood up Serum +Alpha male serum + Golden Sunrise daily .
Read here more
2. Give shield of seven rays to you and your family.
Give SHIELD OF 7 RAYS to you your job and your career
3. You can also watch this video or take energy of this video using VK.
Can we add Wolf help now or Bajrang magic now in this situation ?
You can add energy of Hanuman Chalisa using VK.
WOLF MAGIC BEGIN NOW is a switch word. So it will act on subconscious mind to get you out from a situation. It will not remove deep fear.
When you use Bravo Serum it has many energies beyond switch word and will act on multiple level or aspects. The case mentioned above is a person who has been in multiple fear and depressed so requires more intense healing with mental serums