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Hello all Mentor
My son is 13 years old,he got skin disease called Lucoderma (Vitiligo) on his waist and now spreading very fast on his face. we get to know it recently,as he didnt tell us in early stage. now its getting worse.
I am doing homeopathy medicine for him, problem is my son is not calm, he wants result now.its very difficult to handle him, at the same time My husband and I had lots of fight in past and still sometime it get worse. my son get effected with it. He get scared very quickly. we have decided to stop that. doctor told us that he should be stress free. we are trying our best to keep him happy.
My question is with all this, is this right serum I can give him with VK as I have got VK.
1)Golden sunrise +Perfect health Serum + calm down serum
2)Golden sunrise + All Clear serum + Shield of 7 rays
3)Golden sunrise + Bravo serum
Also What serum I can give ti his medicine.
Please guide me to make his path easy.
I think firstly you should give One soul Serum for you and your Partner and your son so the relationship turns good and environment becomes stress free.
Secondly for your kid you can give Beauty serum to his oinments and any spray.
Thirdly Bravo Serum and Alpha Male serum for your son to ensure he is Brave and has confidence in him as the Vitiligo will reduce his confidence.
Also start adding energy of Hanuman chalisa in your foods and day to day drinking water.
Also you can add Shield of 7 rays and all clear serum to get your son skin clear of the problem.
@SharatSir and @Puneet-Certified VK Teacher can guide you the proper combinations and if there are any addons.
Wonderful suggestions by @Shrinath. Thank you Shrinath.
#To add to above you can request VK please regenerate Melanocytes as per need of body.
Also take care of diet and environment as it helps to recover faster.
Thank you @ Shrinath, And Rakhi Mam. will follow the guide line.
Really appreciate it.
@parul0609 Thanks to You. HAVE FAITH IN VK and see its wonders. @Rakhi-Certified VK Teacher I was actually referring serum based on my experience which i used to cure a friends ring worm and rashes issues.
Thank you for helping me out in this situation, sorry for late reply. following the guidance. will update as i get on, but things are calm which is good.
Golden Sunrise and Divine Thank you from bottom of my heart.
@parul0609 - Pray to the almighty and have faith