Golden Sunrise
Sharing my experience of this gentleman of 67+ years still wanted to work ,but not getting job her daughter contacted me on his behalf.As this makes him sad , depressed and restless too.While discussing lot of behavioural issues were came into light .So started his healing with Total Wealth Serum + All clear serum as he had lot of thought pattern and self made obstacles + Along with this started Holy bach flower remedy as he didn't gel with people well and even lot of anger towards others he had.With in 1-2 mnth giving just charged water every day he got job though not to his expectation but quiet sufficiant. After this experience I too learnt more clearly how laws of universe work if we work on our thought process at each n every level properly we can manifest things in beautiful shape.
Thanks VK ,thanks Sir for touching and changing so many life with ease.
GOLDEN SUNRISE. Yes you can add Calm Down Serum for a person who has ego, stubborness, anger, aggression, hyper, jealousy.
Cosmic serums have combination of many energies. So you dont have to worry on knowledge of Bach flowers.
Choose Cosmic serums based on information on articles on litairian website.
Check the reason of anger if possible and send appropriate energy for that area too.
You can even add Balance serum to balance his mind and body. SHIELD OF 7 RAYS to protect him from any negative influence.
Keep sharing more and more.
GOLDEN SUNRISE FULL COUNT to your efforts !!
Wow, it's wonderful.