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VK TIP 111 : Blessings from Guru Nanak Devji, IK ONKAR SATNAAM KARTA PURAKH


Today on Kartik Poornima, we celebrate GURU NANAK Jayanti or PRAKASH GURPURAB of GURU NANAK DEVji.

:smile: Guru Nanak Devji , the 1st Guru of the 10 Gurus of Sikhism. He is the founder of Sikhism, known since 15th century..

This year 2018, we celebrate his 549th Birth Anniversary.

It is celebrated with PRABHAT PHERI (morning processions) praising the Lord, afternoon LANGAR, serving community lunch, Evening REHRA SAHEB PAATH (praising the Lord) and mid nite celebrations at Gurudwara, at 1.20 am , the birth time of Guru Nanak Devji with slogans and hymns DHAN GURU NANAK, SAARA JAG TAARIYA.

His early life events gives an impression of his Divine Grace and his inclination to Spirituality. His teachings are scripted in Holy Book GURU GRANTH SAHEB ji.

:smile: Guru Nanak Devji teaches that THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD one can connect to God directly without any rituals. He taught that Lords name should be remembered from the heart, which is NAAM SIMRAN. Naam Simran is to repeat the Lords name and remember the attributes of Lord to feel the Divine presence.

He denounced the caste system and taught that everyone is equal, regardless of caste or gender

He also teaches to live life in TRUTH.

All Gurus in Sikhism teach that spiritual life and householder life are intertwined.

:smile: Guru Nanak Devji teaches 3 ways to live life

:heart: VAND CHAKKO : Earn from efforts, Share with community and especially with those in need. It includes sharing of food, kind, wealth. A Sikh should contribute to community a part of his/her earnings.

:heart: KIRAT KARO : Earn honestly and with pure feelings using the abilities, talents, determination blessed by Lord.
Earn with good virtues for self , for family and for the society.

:heart: NAAM JAPO : Remember the Lord's name and his qualities. Continuous remembrance of Lord and his qualities through NAAM SIMRAN connects a person to Divine, purifies the mind and helps to fulfil desires with feelings of Divine Presence in life.

It helps to control the PANJ DOSH/VIKAR ....that is Five Vices ... kama (lust), krodh (rage), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) and ahankar (conceit/ego).

One can chant WAHEGURU or SATNAM WAHEGURU to remember the Lord as formless, the creator of all the forms and the being omnipresent in all forms.

Sikhism teaches to live with FIVE positive human qualities...
SAT (truth),
DAYA (compassion),
SANTOKH (contentment),
NIMRATA (humility), and
PYAAR (love).

:heart: MOOL MANTRA...IK ONGKAR by Guru Nanak Devji

This mantra/bani forms the beginning of the holy book GURU GRANTH SAHEB ji.

It is the essence of Divine.

ੴ : Ik Oankaar
ਸਤਿਨਾਮ: Satinaam
ਕਰਤਾ ਪੁਰਖ: Kartaa Purakh
ਨਿਰਭਉ: Nirbhaou
ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ: Nirvair(u)
ਅਕਾਲ ਮੂਰਤਿ: Akaal Moorati
ਅਜੂਨੀ: Ajoonee
ਸੈਭੰ: Saibhang
ਗੁਰਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ: Gurprasaadi

IK ONGKAR : Baba Nanak ji negated the belief of duality. He taught that Divinity is formless and only 1. Divine is Omnipresent. This oneness is the only truth. Our spiritual enlightenment happens with this oneness.
We also see others as differentiation in caste, creed, religion and gender.

SATINAAM : The name is SAT. Truthful in all ages, past, present and future. Divine knowledge is the truth.

KARTA PURAKH : The creator Doer, who is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient.

NIRBHAOU : Devoid of fear. There is no duality in Divine energy, there is no fear.

NIRVAIR : Devoid of hate or enmity or ill-will. The ONENESS and FORMLESS has no enmity or ill-will.

AKAAL MOORATI : Divine is ETERNAL Entity, beyond time, beyond change, beyond space, no life no death, no shape, no form.
Supreme Absolute reality, no beginning, no end, IMMORTAL and FOREVER

AJOONEE : Beyond Birth, Does not take birth, Free from Birth and Death.

SAIBHANG : Powerful. Can Create and Destroy. Everything is Possible for Divine.

GURPRASADI : GUR is knowledge, Prasadi is Grace. This ONENESS with ONE TRUTH is realised with Spiritual Wisdom and Knowledge from Divine himself.

It is a blessing to receive this teaching from Guru Nanak Devji. One can start every morning with this MOOL MANTRA given by BABA ji.

Gratitude to ALL TEN SIKH GURUs teaching us ways of life.

It is best to chant SATNAM WAHEGURU and IK ONKAR MANTRA as much as possible, to connect with Divine.
This Divinity takes us closer to Divine. Life journey becomes more peaceful with strength to face every situation with a smile. It helps to fulfil the purpose of life..

With VK one can chant these and request VK to keep one connected to the teachings of Babaji in practise and to Divinity.

Gratitude to @SharatSir for bringing us close to Divinity with Divine VK, another blessing and gift in our lives.

May BABA ji bless all with DIVINE CONNECTION and awareness to follow his teachings.


GURU NANAK DEV ji PRAKASH PURAB ki Lakh Lakh Wadhayiyan Sabko


  • एक ओंकार सतनाम वाहेगुरु :heart:
    Happy Guruparv to all.
    Thankyou didi for sharing knowledgeable VK tip with details of divine teachings of Guru Nanakdev ji.
    Gratitude to my Guru @SharatSir ji who invented VK to connect easily with all divine beings and Ascended Masters to attain Manra energy and teachings of Guru.
  • Golden Sunrise Everyone..!
    @Rakhi ji...Wow what an awesome post on this auspicious occasion of our Universal Guru Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Prakash Purab Diwas...
    Heartiest thanks for the post with a very useful VK tip.

    "A beautiful Shabad from Shri Guru Granth Sahib....

    रामकली महला ५ ॥
    कोई बोलै राम राम कोई खुदाइ ॥
    कोई सेवै गुसईआ कोई अलाहि ॥१॥
    कारण करण करीम ॥
    किरपा धारि रहीम ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
    कोई नावै तीरथि कोई हज जाइ ॥
    कोई करै पूजा कोई सिरु निवाइ ॥२॥
    कोई पड़ै बेद कोई कतेब ॥
    कोई ओढै नील कोई सुपेद ॥३॥
    कोई कहै तुरकु कोई कहै हिंदू ॥
    कोई बाछै भिसतु कोई सुरगिंदू ॥४॥
    कहु नानक जिनि हुकमु पछाता ॥
    प्रभ साहिब का तिनि भेदु जाता ॥५॥९॥

    Translations here...

    Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:
    Some call Him, 'Raam, Raam', and some call Him, 'Khudaa-i'.
    Some serve Him as 'Gusain', others as 'Allaah'. ||1||
    He is the Cause of causes, the Generous Lord.
    He showers His Grace and Mercy upon us. ||1||Pause||
    Some bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and some make the pilgrimage to Mecca.|
    Some perform devotional worship services, and some bow their heads in prayer. ||2||
    Some read the Vedas, and some the Koran.
    Some wear blue robes, and some wear white. ||3||
    Some call themselves Muslim, and some call themselves Hindu.
    Some yearn for paradise, and others long for heaven. ||4||
    Says Nanak, one who realizes the Hukam of God's Will,
    knows the secrets of his Lord and Master. ||5||9|| "

    Wishes and Greetings to you all on the 549th Prakash Purab of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
    Aap sabhi ko Gurpurab Ki Lakh Lakh Badhai Ho..!
    Dhan Guru Nanak Sab pe Kripa karen...!
    (May Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Bless Everyone..!)
    Thanks to our Loving Sharat Sir for bringing us all under one umbrella of Divine...n always ready to hold our hand at any point to help us. May God bless n protect him always....
    May all we reach soon to our soul agenda to finally achieve self-realization..the true self.
    I pray to Divine Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to fulfill everyone's wish n Bless them with his precious blessings..!
    Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru.. Satnaam Waheguru..!
  • Happy Gurpurab everyone.. Thankyou so much for sharing this amazing post.. Thank you SHARAT Sir for VK..
  • @Puneet-Certified VK Teacher @Raman30

    Thank you for your thanks and kind words.


    GOLDEN SUNRISE. Thank you for your thanks. Loved your way of posting the SHABAD with translation to help others.

    Thank you for the blessings for all.

    Do share your VK experiences with VK Tips to motivate all of us.

    Gratitude to @SharatSir for bringing all divine souls here with VK on litairian forum.
  • GOLDEN SUNRISE.... Thank you Rakhi Mam for sharing beautiful Post.

  • Beautifully written. Thank you Rakhi Mam for sharing beautiful Post. @Rakhi-Certified VK Teacher

  • I have been Experimenting with VK related to Paths we have in Sikhism like Shri Japji Saab, Shri Sukhmani Saab, Shri Nitnem. I tried to mimic these paths from VK. I will write more about it and its effects.

  • @Manmit Ji And Other Form Friends
    Dhan SatGuru Dev
    Golden Sunrise

    Can you pls share your experience about Mimicking Gurbani Paths.

    As it will give Encouragement and Confidence of Mimicing Paths.

    In turn which will also get you Blessings of Guru Sahib for inspiring others and getting them Conectedto Guru Sahib.

    As Bhai Gurdas Ji said:

    “Jaise Sat Mandir Kanchan Ke Usaar Dine” “Tesa Pun Sikh Kao Ik Shabad Sikhaye Ka”

    – You may build hundreds of temples with gold and donate but the teaching of one word of Gurbani to a Sikh is a more holy.

    Golden Sunrise
    Dhan SatGuru Dev
  • @genius2737
    GOLDEN SUNRISE Satnaam Waheguruji
    I have requested VK to mimic effect of reciting Gurbani of SUKHMANI SAHIB PATH by direct request to VK . I felt peaceful and connected to Divine energy within me.

    Sometimes i have done for others also, when i attended SANGAT(group) recitation of SUKHMANI SAHIB , i requested VK to send energy of pure recitation to others who could not participate.

    I explored mimicking effect of CHAUPAI SAHIB PATH with VK. It reduced anxiety and i felt Divine presence around me.

    You can also explore and share your experiences of any verses or PATHs.
  • @Rakhi-Certified VK Teacher
    Golden Sunrise Dhan SatGuru Dev Satnam Waheguruji

    Very inspiring to hear your experiences Rakhi Madam.

    Yes I have also made 1 youtube playlist of Asa di vaar, Sukhmani Sahib (12 Hours Video ) and Japji Sahib (5.36 hours Video) some times felt my energies of my chakras are placing 30 minutes requests to VK

    Some times it's just normal 30 minutes direct request

    I request VK as

    VK SatGuru Thank you for Filling me 99 times More with Enhanced Energies of VK Morning Playlist videos now and forever.

    With thanks in full faith so be it 3 times -

    Can i improve it further to enhance energies

    Golden Sunrise
    Dhan SatGuru Dev
  • @genius2737
    Keep exploring different ways with VK. I am sure you will experience different feelings.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful ways and experiences
    I loved the name VK Satguru.
    Go with the words that comes to you naturally and speak to VK with your heart.
  • @Rakhi-Certified VK Teacher

    Thank you Madam for Appreciative words.

    Sure let's all explore using VK SatGuru in more innovative ways and share it as per.

    Golden Sunrise
    Dhan SatGuru Dev
  • As reading all above beautiful comments n shared experiences gave me a great pleasure. Thank you all, sending good vibes, love n light to our lovely Litairian Family... rejoice in Golden Sunrise Divine Energy.
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