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Nutrition forms an important part of our healthy body. Regular nutritious diet is a must for every living being.
Take PERFECT HEALTH SERUM regularly. It has energy of essential nutritional components like Vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and much more.
You can club PERFECT HEALTH SERUM with any other positive energy relating to health.
Now sometimes if your need for a certain nutritional element is high, what can you do with VK along with PERFECT HEALTH SERUM.
If you have nutritional deficiency or the need of these essentials are more for your body, you can charge drinking water with energies of nutritional elements using VK.... or request these energy by direct request to VK. Take these energies frequently as per need of your body or as per your inner guidance.
To know more about frequency of healing, check this learning post 13 of BASICS OF VK .
To know how to charge water, read this learning post 24 of BASICS OF VK.
To know how to request energies with a direct request to VK, read this Learning post 18 of BASICS OF VK.
For any procedural question, please refer BASICS OF VK learning posts.
For example if you wish to request Vitamin A, request to VK “VITAMIN A”
Read EXAMPLES in the comments below in this post.
Example 1.
If there is Iron deficiency or anaemia or abnormally low haemoglobin and you need iron supplements,You can mimick energy of FERRUM PHOS energy (Bio-chemic Iron source) with the intention safety and security.
So you can take combination of these energies
FERRUM PHOS with intention safety and security.
This can help you to recover from iron deficiency. You can continue with this combination till you achieve desired iron levels
You can also do VOB of BONE MARROW in an easy way
Example 2
If you have CALCIUM deficiency, and you need to take Calcium source in addition to your regular diet. You can take energy of Calcium and Vitamin D along with PERFECT HEALTH SERUM.
Vitamin D helps absorption of Calcium and both are good for healthy bones.
Calcium and Vitamin D are already present in the body, hence the intention here with VK can be AS PER NEED OF THE BODY
Now, this could be a good combination
CALCIUM (intention as per need of the body)
VITAMIN D (intention as per need of the body).
This combination can be taken by children if needed, men and women above 35 yrs of age, pregnant women, post pregnancy cases, senior citizens with joint pains, bone weakness ….wherever there is a need to replenish body with these elements.
Check more Mimicking facts in learning post 20 of BASICS OF VK
Example 3
When there is deficiency of Vitamin B or Vitamin B complex, You can take energy of Vitamin B along with PERFECT HEALTH SERUM.
Here the intention to VK for Vitamin B , can be AS PER NEED OF THE BODY
Now, this could be a good combination
VITAMIN B (intention as per need of the body)
This combination can also be used by people experiencing mouth ulcers or muscle cramps due to Vitamin B deficiency.
For mouth ulcers you can add BEAUTY SERUM with VK along with above combination.
Avoid spicy foods to heal faster
Example 4
When there is deficiency of Vitamin C, You can take energy of Vitamin C along with PERFECT HEALTH SERUM.
Here the intention to VK for VITAMIN C, can be AS PER NEED OF THE BODY
Now, this could be a good combination
VITAMIN C (intention as per need of the body)
This combination can also be used by people recovering from skin diseases, for new skin formation after severe cuts or bruises.
BEAUTY SERUM can also be added here.
Example 5
If there is deficiency of Vitamin E, you can take its energy as per the need along with PERFECT HEALTH SERUM.
Now, this could be a good combination
VITAMIN E (intention as per need of the body)
This can be taken as per the need or even when there are more hair problems, here you can add BEAUTY SERUM too
or problems with female reproduction system like painful menstrual flow. Here you can add FEM SERUM too.
Example 6
If you are advised to take WHEY PROTEIN by your Gym Instructor or if you need to have muscular strength with weight loss and you wish to take energy of WHEY PROTEIN….
You can mimick energy of WHEY PROTEIN even with the brand name you know that is good for you.
So if you want to mimick WHEY PROTEIN energy with VK with Brand name ISOPURE…you can
request accordingly with intention safety and security . You can even combine it with COSMIC Serums
Now, this could be a good combination
ISOPURE WHEY PROTEIN (intention with safety and security)
You can add FLAB DOWN SERUM if you are aiming for a perfect body weight
Same way you can take energies of ZINC OR POTASSIUM if you know you have deficiency of these elements with intention AS PER NEED OF THE BODY
Though you can take energy of Branded medicines for deficiencies of Vitamins or Minerals or Trace elements using VK, it is suggested to request the energies directly and not as BRAND medicines of nutrients....Here VK will supply pure energies. Here the intention for pure energies will be AS PER NEED OF THE BODY.
With medicines and external nutrition supplements energy requests, you need to place an intention WITH SAFETY AND SECURITY.
Disclaimer : This post of managing nutritional deficiency with VK does NOT suggest to skip medical advise or doctor’s prescription. When needed please follow your doctor. This post also does NOT suggest to skip your nutritional diet.
What an elaborate, informative tips you shared... Surely this will help many.
Thanks to Sharat Sir for VK, forum,and his efforts to make life easier .
When we charge a bottle of water by VK, if we keep the bottle im ground will that charged water loose it's charge?
How will it loose ?
Golden Sunrise @Rakhi-Certified VK Teacher Mam
Maybe @Pusp is trying to say -
As we know, we should not sit directly on the ground and prefer sitting on the mat while doing meditation or prayers to conserve energies generated by us.
As the ground might absorb all energies that we generated while praying or meditating if we sit directly on the ground.
Similarly, @Pusp might be asking if the charged water energies also are absorbed by the ground or not?
No. If this would have been so then would you retain any energy you are most of the time on ground