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VK TIP 67 : Blessings for daily wish....ASK UNIVERSE with VK

This is a beautiful and most important part of any healing which Sir explained to us.

TIME is an illusion, anything can happen anytime,

NOW speeds up the healing and FOREVER helps us to move to the next wish and desire to heal/energize.

Keep the intention NOW FOREVER


<3 VK please bless me with a healthy life now forever.

<3 VK please bless me with a loving and peaceful mind now forever.

<3 VK please bless me and my family with a loving harmonious life now forever.

<3 VK please bless my home with prosperity now forever.

<3 VK please bless me with willpower and enthusiasm in all my actions now forever.

<3 VK please bless my children with happiness and wisdom now forever.

<3 VK please bless me a beautiful GOLDEN SUNRISE life now forever.

<3 VK please bless all my relationships to be peaceful now forever.

<3 VK please bless me for a perfect body weight now forever.

<3 VK please bless me with strong flexible joints now forever.

<3 VK please bless me divine connection now forever...

You can frame your own wishes like this and keep requesting to VK during the day.

Don't count how many times...Just keep doing as you can... In this way, you remind yourself and the Universe that you want all these things.

This way you connect your daily wishes to VK.

Do share your experiences with this way of connecting with VK

Additional Tip: You can send LOVE SERUM to your wish too.


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